Trader Leaderboard 交易员排行榜
Q: Where can I find all the Traders and see their status? Where is the Trader Leaderboard? How do I choose my Trader? How do I know which Trader is good?
我在哪里可以找到所有交易员的资料并查看他们的状态? 请问交易员排行榜在哪? 请问我怎么选交易员? 我怎么知道那个交易员是好的?
A: You can find all the Traders under Trader Leaderboard located under ‘ACTIONS’ or ‘FOREX’ and click on the Traders to view their profiles and track records. 您可以到 ‘操作’ 或 ‘外汇’ 并选择 ‘交易员排行榜’ 去查看他们的交易记录/历史。
Q: How do I follow/unfollow a Trader? How do I copy trading? 我要怎么开始跟单?
A: Go to Trader Leaderboard, select a Trader you wish to follow and click FOLLOW. Go the Trader Leaderboard and click UNFOLLOW to exit the copy trading.
A: 去交易员排行榜,选择要跟单的交易员然后点击 ‘跟单’。 如果要停止,需要回去交易员排行榜点击 ‘取消跟单’。
Q: What is the meaning of ‘Auto Scale’ and ‘Multiply’ under Volume Scale?
什么是 ‘资金比例’ 和 ‘手数比例’?
A: Auto Scale – Your position size will be in proportion with the trader’s capital (e.g., The trader is using USD1000 to trade at 1 lot and if your capital is USD10,000 you will be trading in 10 lots) Multiply – you multiply your trading position to your preferred lot size.
资金比例 - 您的头寸规模将与交易者的资金成正比(例如,交易者使用USD1000以1手进行交易,如果您的资本为10,000美元,您将以10手进行交易)
手数比例 - 您将交易头寸乘以您喜欢的手数。
Q: Can I follow more than one (01) Trader? How many Traders can I follow?
请问我可以跟单多过一个交易员吗? 我可以跟单几位交易员? 我最多可以有几个跟单交易员?
A: You can follow up to maximum of six (06) traders. 您最多可以跟随六 (06) 位交易员。
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